Master Planning

Strategic Roadmapping for Sustainability

Elevate your asset efficiency and profitability with our strategic master planning

Are you optimising the utilisation of your company assets to increase capacity, capability or profit? Do you have plans to be more sustainable, increase output, widen product range or increase margin but don’t know where to start? Our Master Planning Strategic Services can help.

Our Master Planning service (just one part of our strategic services offering) is honed to focus on industrial development (large or small), especially on existing operational sites. Through our process, we identify, analyse and evaluate potential scenarios to provide a options for realising your goal. Our methodology is inclusive and collaborative and works within your constraints.

Two engineers discussing building plans together in a freight yard
Understanding Your Unique Needs

Master Planning for Sustainability and Growth

We spend time with you and your various site leads to understand the current operations, constraints, possibilities and future requirements. We develop a gap analysis and a list of priorities. From this, we develop options which we workshop with you to hone into solutions that consider viability, sustainability and profitability. The output of the process is your Master Plan document which can contain a roadmap of projects along with capital estimates.

The road map of projects that emanates from the Master Plan will provide you with a capital plan for the next few years and help to determine your required resource/ service needs.

Maximized Asset Utilization

Enhance the efficiency and productivity of your company assets, potentially increasing capacity, capability, and profit margins through strategic planning.

Clear Path to Sustainability

Navigate the complexities of becoming more sustainable, increasing output, diversifying product ranges, or boosting margins with a structured, informed approach.

Informed Industrial Development

Benefit from a service meticulously tailored to industrial expansion, offering comprehensive scenario analysis for both large and small operations on existing sites.

Collaborative Strategy Formation

Engage in an inclusive, collaborative methodology that respects your operational constraints and leverages gap analysis and priority setting for targeted improvements.

Tailored Solutions for Growth

Access customised options developed through workshops, focusing on viability, sustainability, and profitability, culminating in a Master Plan document outlining your strategic roadmap.

Future-Ready Capital Planning

Equip yourself with a detailed capital plan for upcoming years, derived from your Master Plan, ensuring you are well-prepared for resource and service requirements necessary for implementation.

Related Capabilities

Capabilities are the cornerstone of our expertise

Transitioning to a model of sustainable operations is a journey, not an overnight leap. It involves a series of projects, substantial investment, and strategic planning over years. By conducting a thorough roadmapping exercise, we assess your current state and outline a prioritized sequence of initiatives, meticulously phased to integrate with ongoing operations. Leveraging our deep expertise in operational environments, project and safety management, process engineering, and control and automation, alongside utility engineering, we’re equipped to craft a detailed, costed roadmap guiding you towards sustainability. This strategic approach ensures that your journey to sustainability is both visionary and grounded in practical realities.

By integrating cutting-edge technology, eco-friendly materials, and green spaces, we strive to enhance community well-being, reduce environmental impact, and build spaces that are safe, accessible, and geared towards the future.

Comprehensive support across the lifecycle of manufacturing projects, from initial design through to execution and maintenance, thereby driving operational improvements and fostering innovation within customer operations.

We employ innovative, green technologies and methodologies to reduce waste, lower energy consumption, and promote renewable resources, ensuring that our work today leaves a positive imprint on the planet for generations to come.

Utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as 3D prototypes, augmented reality (AR), and virtual walkthroughs, we enable you to see and experience your projects in highly detailed, immersive environments before physical work begins.

Sustainability Services

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to assist you.

Malone Group provides a comprehensive suite of sustainability services designed to help businesses reduce their environmental footprint, enhance energy efficiency, and foster sustainable growth. Our services include sustainability consulting, carbon footprint analysis, renewable energy solutions, waste reduction strategies, water conservation, and sustainable design practices. We work with clients to integrate sustainability into their operations, projects, and corporate strategy, ensuring long-term environmental, economic, and social benefits.

We begin by understanding each client's specific sustainability objectives and challenges. Our team then conducts detailed analyses to identify opportunities for improvement, from reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions to implementing circular economy practices. We develop customized action plans that outline clear, actionable steps towards achieving these goals, leveraging the latest technologies and best practices in sustainability. Our comprehensive approach ensures measurable progress and supports our clients in becoming industry leaders in sustainability.

Yes, we specialize in helping businesses achieve and maintain sustainability certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), and ISO 14001. Our team provides guidance throughout the certification process, from initial assessment and documentation to implementing necessary changes and navigating compliance requirements. We ensure that our clients not only achieve these certifications but also realize the operational and reputational benefits they bring.

Malone Group serves a wide range of industries with its sustainability services, including manufacturing, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, construction, and energy. Our experience across these diverse sectors enables us to offer tailored solutions that address specific environmental challenges and opportunities, ensuring that our sustainability strategies are both effective and industry-appropriate.

We employ a variety of tools and methodologies to measure and track sustainability performance, including lifecycle assessments, carbon footprint calculations, and sustainability reporting frameworks. Our team works closely with clients to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and benchmarks, providing regular reports and insights that highlight progress towards sustainability targets. This transparent approach allows our clients to communicate their sustainability achievements confidently to stakeholders.

What sets Malone Group apart is our holistic approach to sustainability. We believe in creating value for our clients by integrating sustainability into the core of their business strategies. Our team combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of sustainability principles to deliver innovative solutions that not only meet but exceed environmental and regulatory requirements. We are committed to helping our clients navigate the complexities of sustainability, driving positive change, and contributing to a healthier planet for future generations.

Send us a message

At Malone Group, we eagerly anticipate connecting with you. Whether you’re seeking innovative design solutions or just wish to learn more about our community-centered approach, we’re here to assist. Reach out to us; let’s start a conversation that could lead to remarkable collaborations.

Design, build, and maintain properties, along with public infrastructure

Creating and managing spaces where people live, work, and interact daily, focusing on light building environments beyond heavy machinery or manufacturing. This includes designing, constructing, and maintaining residential and commercial buildings, public spaces, and infrastructure with an emphasis on sustainability, safety, and innovation.

Where engineering marvels meet practical application

We appreciate that each facility is a unique entity, a bespoke blend of technology, human skill, and process. This understanding is the bedrock upon which we offer our services, ensuring that each customer’s facility is not only built to last but also to evolve.

A committed journey towards the project's outcomes

We are committed to the outcomes and to the journey towards them. It’s about harnessing technology, human ingenuity, and process excellence to ensure that every step of the manufacturing process is optimized for quality, sustainability, and efficiency.

Simplified, practical,
cost effective solutions

As society moves towards increased digitalization, it is inevitable that manufacturing will also move in that direction. Many companies, out of necessity, have embraced this journey and created truly modern futuristic factories.

Maximizing waste management

Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. Embedded in most definitions of sustainability, we also find concerns for social equity and economic development.

Interacting with complex systems and machinery in a virtual overlay

Explore the untapped potential of AR and 3D modeling, setting new standards for excellence and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Welcome to the future, where every challenge is an opportunity for innovation, and every vision is within reach.

Collaborative planning
and execution

Working hand-in-hand with your team, Malone Group assists in planning and executing your project from its conceptual stage to commissioning. Our goal is to ensure timely completion within budget, prioritizing safety compliance throughout the process.

Comprehensive range
of design services

Your capital project will benefit from our comprehensive range of engineering design services, including feasibility studies, outline designs, budget costing, detail designs/full specifications and tendering packages.

Delivering Zero Harm
in all environments

Our team provides world-class safety management services by combining a unique set of project skills and collective industry sector experience driven by the close integration between our safety and engineering departments.

Simplified, practical,
cost effective solutions

As society moves towards increased digitalization, it is inevitable that manufacturing will also move in that direction. Many companies, out of necessity, have embraced this journey and created truly modern futuristic factories.

Maximizing waste management

Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. Embedded in most definitions of sustainability, we also find concerns for social equity and economic development.

Commissioning and
remote access

Automating production and process environments provides many benefits. Utilizing the experience and expertise of our teams, we manage the delivery of automation solutions; from system design, integration, build for skids such as CIPs, to commissioning.